Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Big School

At 6 1/2 Nate starts 'big school' in January so his pre-school organised a modern day Christmas play, in which Nate was a tourist, and a graduation ceremony.

Emily turns 9!

Birthday celebrations on and around 5th November for Emily. 9? We're surely not old enough to have a 9 year old daughter!

Geoff's Sister

Sue came to stay for 3 weeks, which was great! Here's some of the experiences she had. Amazing!

Pink and Blue

As many of you know already, Caz's sister had twins at the beginning of November. They were born 10 weeks early so are still in hospital. James and Charlotte are the siblings to Isaac as seen in the picture. Special prayers needed for Charlottes development please. Thanks.

Looking Good

As trees were damaging the house and stones were falling off it we had some work done on the outside. Here's where we live...

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Life Vision Day 2nd October 2010

Please pray for this day where we encourage individuals to consider their future in helping to fulfill the Great Commission.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Saturday, 26 June 2010


Mike, Jen, Olivia and Silas, our good friends, come and gone. What a fun time we had...

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Camping at Spitzkoppe

What a place! There are some benefits of living overseas!!

Staff Retreat

We have just returned from our staff retreat at a beautiful place in the countryside just north of Windhoek. The retreat was based on the words from Philippians, "You shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life". Our guest speaker, gave us some great solid teaching whilst not neglecting some powerful application for us. There was time to worship God in various ways, to pray together, have fellowship and rest. Everything seemed to go smoothly, especially the communion we shared, held on 'Prayer Mountain' at sunset. Stunning. Thanks for praying as we, the campus team, were organising it.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Victoria Falls - Wow!

We have had an amazing trip up north through Namibia, on to Botswana and through to Zimbabwe to get to our final destination of Victoria Falls. We are so thankful to God for this incredible time and the ease of getting there from here. What a way to spend Easter and our 15th Wedding Anniversary. Here are two compilations of our many, many pics! If you come and visit us, be warned, we'll show you more! As you can see, we got pretty wet but it wasn't raining. The sky was blue. The spray from the falls was so great we were comletely drenched. Surreal!

Animals On The Road

On our way to Victoria Falls we experienced some fantastic wildlife: The endangered wild dog, the impressive, trumpeting elephant, the lolloping hyena...

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Our Camping Experience!

No scorpians or snakes, just Zebras, Giraffes and Buck! Beautiful sunsets, a warm lake for swimming in, great barbecued food, warm, sunny weather, bird spotting and walking... what more could you want on a weekend of camping?

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

The blind leading the blind!

Here's a great story for you... Lines, is one of our student leaders who studies at Ongwediva College of Education, in the north of Namibia. He is blind but that doesn't stop him walking in the light! Geoff phoned him to encourage him for the new semester and found out that already he had organised a prayer walk around his campus, had motivated other Christians to join him in witnessing to the arriving freshers and had started following up the interesting contacts. So, its a unique case of the blind leading the blind!

Semester Card

Wanna know what's going on this semester on the campuses of Namibia? Have a look at the middle of our semester card. These talks will be taking place at all campus 'Prime Times' (main weekly meetings) with the World Cup theme, "Toward the goal, toward the prize".

Gospel Bash

Please pray for our 'Gospel Bash' on Friday 12th March, an opporunity for students to gather together from across Windhoek to worship God. It aims to build momentum in the movement and give students a sense of community across the campuses. Some will be Christians, some not.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Staff Day

On Friday we had a staff day at our house that Caz organised. It was an opportunity to share vision, encourage one another, pray, challenge and have fun. In the afternoon we had a team building session. In just 50 minutes each team had to build a boat that would carry an egg across the water. As you can see by the pictures, a lot of fun was had! Geoff's boat was renamed 'The Boomerang'. I wonder if you can guess why?!


The view from our kitchen. Hmmmmmmmmmmm! And did I say we are going camping this weekend?!


Geoff got a tent for his 40th birthday and here it is...
Camping is such a good way to see Namibia but we're pretty new to this game! We're attempting out first camp this weekend. Can't wait! Pray for good weather, a lack of snakes, scorpians and other creepy crawlies and great fun!

Student Leaders

At the beginning of term we hosted around 20 Christian student leaders from the local campuses at our house for 2 days and 1 night for training, Bible study, envisioning, fun, planning, and lots of food. It was a great time and should definitely happen again once we've recovered! Here are a few of our crazy student team...

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


Just after Christmas Geoff and 3 Namibian students went to the Ivory Coast for a 7 day Campus Crusade student leadership conference. Not only did it provide a unique cultural experience but excellent teaching from Josh McDowell and others, a great envisioning of students and staff alike and the opportunities to connect with others from the movement around Africa. Do pray that all the students who attended, particularly our Namibian students, Steve, Kauna and Selma, would take back to their home countries the vision, ideas, knowledge and encouragement they received.

Our trip down south!

With the offer of free accommodation just behind Table Mountain and the easy, if long, drive south to Cape Town who could resist to spend Christmas in this beautiful area? With sandy beaches, stunning scenery, gorgeous weather and Mum and Dad to meet us, what a treat! Jealous?! It came at a perfect time when we were in need of much rest after a busy but satisfying year. Here are a few pics to feast your eyes. The last is of Fish River Canyon, one of the largest in the world and located in Namibia on the way down to Cape Town.

Happy New Year